

Hier klickenEinladung zum Vortrag

am Sonntag, den 17. Juni 2012 um 12.00 Uhr

Bewegung, erster Dominostein








Hier klicken ►Vortrag in The American Club of Hamburg am 21.05.2011







Wegen einer Übersetzungspanne saß eine junge Frau ein Jahr unschuldig in der Untersuchungshaft.,2858,21425292.html




Dear American Club Member,

We are honored to invite you, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of Solidarity, to an American Club dinner speech entitled Solidarność - Defining Moment in the Cold War. The reception will begin at 6:30 pm on MondayMay 21 at the Hotel Park Hyatt in Hamburg.

Thirty years ago, in the midst of the Cold War, the rhetoric was tense between the Warsaw Pact and NATO alliances. The citizens behind the Iron Curtain were usually held in check by their totalitarian governments, that is, until the US and world press carried headlines of a courageous shipyard worker named Lech Wałęsa. He was a simple electrician who led a growing civil resistance movement, challenging the authority of the Polish communist government. But, before his eventual ascent to the presidency of the country, martial law was imposed, and he and his followers were imprisoned. A few courageous lawyers went to court, attempting to defend this group. One of these is our own American Club Member Andrzej von Borne, who will give his firsthand account of the eventful proceedings, including his own flight into exile. The Polish Consul General Andrzej Osiak will then reflect on how this movement has shaped Poland’s national identity and contributed to events leading to the fall of the Wall, the Warsaw Pact and the USSR.

The speech will be held in German and accompanied by a three-course meal and fine wine.

Your invitation is attached and we look forward to seeing you. Please register early to guarantee your place for this exceptional evening.

Kind regards,

David Scott Zeller


Invitation (pdf)





Vor 30 Jahren, am 13. Dezember 1981 wurde in Polen

das Kriegsrecht verhängt.





Lodowe góry na kuźnickim brzegu

Der Frühling kommt - Eisbrocken in Kuźnica auf der Halbinsel Hel, Polen




Zamarznięte Jezioro Alster w Hamburgu

Alstereisvergnügen  12.02.2012



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